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PSP MixPack2 is a collection of six high-resolution, high quality audio processors designed to improve the quality of your digital audio tracks and mixes. These processors were not modeled on specific hardware analog processors, but rather on the sound and features of many analog circuits, with the goal of designing processors that can assist you in taming the sterility and harshness that often plagues digitally recorded audio. Don't let the name of this bundle fool you - while we worked hard to develop a plug-in pack that would help your mixes shine, these plug-ins are high enough quality to be at home in mastering or live tracking situations as well. All plug-ins utilize 64-bit double precision floating point algorithms throughout their entire signal path and support sample rates of up to 192kHz. The kit consists of: PSP MixBass2, PSP MixTreble2, PSP MixSaturator2, PSP MixPressor2, PSP MixGate2 and PSP MixSync.PSP MixBass2 is a specialized low frequency processor designed to help you achieve punchy, analog bass sounds with your audio material. PSP MixBass2 sounds really excellent with percussion loops, however it can be used successfully to enhance the low end of any audio material.
How PSP MixBass2 will affect any given audio material depends on the type of material being processed.PSP MixBass2 features a unique low-frequency compression algorithm and low frequency harmonics generator. There is a low-pass filter for the control signal and a low cut filter within the signal path. Finally, the Punch section includes a dynamically controlled filter to emphasize or attenuate the chosen mid-range frequency dynamically according to the low-frequency material.PSP MixTreble2 offers specialized processors designed to extend the dynamic range, sharpness, clarity, and spatiality of a signal's treble frequencies, and spatiality of high frequencies. It can improve definition and sound quality of complete mixes, boost characteristic features of acoustic instruments, and revitalize archival recordings. PSP MixTreble2 can help add presence to a track, as well as lower the noise floor of a given track or complete mix.
System RequirementsPCVST. Windows x32 or x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista or 7).
VST 2.4 compatible applicationRTAS. Windows x32 or x64 (XP Service Pack 2, Vista or 7).
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ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later)MacAudioUnit. Mac OSX 10.5 or later. 32 or 64-bit host application capable of running AudioUnit plug-ins with Cocoa viewVST. Mac OSX 10.5 or later. 32 or 64-bit VST 2.4 compatible host applicationRTAS. Mac OSX 10.4 or later.
ProTools LE 8.0.0 or ProTools TDM 8.0.0 (or later).
Stereo delays and a phrase sampler created on the basis of the classic Lexicon PCM 42 processor (the functionality and sound of the module were approved by Lexicon). The maximum delay time is 9600 ms (depending on the sampling rate), the sampling frequency of the delay line can be changed, the saturation of the magnetic tape is simulated, modulation (three sources: sine, rectangle and envelope repeater) pitch and delay time, synchronization with tempo. There is a low pass filter. Supported sampling rate up to 192 kHz, MIDI and VST-automation. Perhaps the most fully-functional delay plug available on the market.
Each repetition has selectable feedback, stereo image and position, delay time, multimode filter, modulation, drive / tape saturation, and reverb. In addition, the feedback and drive parameters can be placed at the beginning or end of the signal chain. The modulation section consists of an LFO and an envelope, and the tape saturation algorithm is taken from the mastering processors.
And of course all this can be done in any bitrate (up to 24-bit) and at any sampling frequency (up to 192kHz), and fully automated by MIDI and any host sequencer. A reverb with a rich, smooth and dense sound, which is created using nine high-quality algorithms designed for modeling physical spaces (environments, rooms, cameras, club rooms, halls, arenas, cathedrals), sound of spring and plate reverbs. The developers of EasyVerb tried to make the plugin as easy to use as possible, while still having enough tools to manage each algorithm, so that the user had the opportunity to fine-tune each parameter according to his own needs.
In other words, PSP Audioware EasyVerb offers reverberation that is quick, easy, but acoustically complex. Virtual dynamic processor MasterComp – can be used as a compressor and expander for mastering and for processing subgroups during mixing. There are regulators of the threshold level, the degree of compression, the time of activation and recovery (also there are automatic modes), level compensation (there is an automatic mode), the output level, two control circuit filters; Switches of peak and rms detection, hard and soft modes of operation, limiter with automatic recovery time; Level indicators.
Mixing of direct and processed signals, linking of channels are possible. Processing 64-bit floating point at double sampling rate (FAT mode – Frequency Authentication Technique). A collection of six high quality plug-ins, designed to fix the quality of your tracks and mixes.
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These are not models of devices already created, but they have the sound and features of many analog circuits and were designed to reduce the sterility and sharpness often found in digital recordings. Do not let the name of this package deceive you – while we are working hard on this package to help you make your mixes radiant, the quality of these plugins is enough to do and mastering too.All plug-ins use 64-bit floating-point algorithms of double precision throughout the signal path and support a sample rate of up to 192 kHz. The kit consists of: PSP MixBass2, PSP MixTreble2, PSP MixSaturator2, PSP MixPressor2, PSP MixGate2 and PSP MixSync. PSP NobleQ combines the capabilities of passive equalizers with a wide range of frequency settings and enhanced functionality. To make this plug-in universal, we’ve added several advanced features, such as a customizable high pass filter and the ability to switch amplification or attenuation in high peak and shelf filters.PSP NobleQ stands out with its warm sound, low-shelf filters and combined peak and shelf high frequency processing. The warmth and musical sound of PSP NobleQ was made possible by the use of FAT dual sampling processing to provide natural analog feedback.
At the output, we added the Valve rounding algorithm with an adjustable degree of processing.Low shelf filters actually combine two shelving sections: the first one allows to amplify low frequencies, the second weakens them with slightly higher settings. Together they make it possible to obtain a rich foundation without turbidity in the low and medium ranges.The high-frequency range consists of two filters – a peak filter with adjustable bandwidth (usually for amplification) and a shelf filter (usually for attenuation). Both filters interact in such a way that the higher the attenuation at high frequencies, the more selective the peak filter becomes, thereby maintaining a similar gain in the center frequency.PSP NobleQex is an extended version of PSP NobleQ and offers all its functions with an optional middle bell filter and adjustable low-shelf frequency offset.
A vintage style compressor designed for information, compression and limitation. Our goal in developing this plug-in is to provide a simple compressor that offers exceptionally musical sound, requiring a minimum of action. This plug-in is not based on any specific hardware, rather it’s inspired by vintage processing and designed to emulate some of the favorite features of such compressors.This compressor is so simple and so convenient that it is difficult to make it seem bad even with extreme settings!This compressor offers a soft and smooth compression in most applications, however it can slightly embellish the sound with its tube emulation in transients when heavily driven by internally high compression values.
Plugin, reproducing reverberation based on piano strings. Twelve strings with adjustable attenuation and the duration of primary decay are used. Each of them is tuned to a special note, with A (55 Hz) to G # (103.8 Hz). String system PianoVerb PSP can be moved in the range of + -24 semitones.PSP PianoVerb2 is a revised and improved version of the popular free plug-in PSP PianoVerb. Like the original, it creates a unique sound with the help of 12 resonant filters that mimic the behavior of piano strings. The effect has a modulation section, a high pass filter, independent dry / wet control and a reverberation tail freeze function. A set of high-quality plug-ins of VST and RTAS formats.
PSP sQuad models the characteristics and musicality of vintage EQs from leading manufacturers such as Neve, Amek and Universal Audio Pultec.PSPaudioware has released PSP sQuad, a set of four equalizers: PSP ClassicQ, PSP ConsoleQ, PSP preQursor and PSP RetroQ.These equalizers were developed with an eye to the capabilities and characteristics of classical devices – musicality and simplicity. It is simplicity, not primitiveness, that has been pursued by the PSP, expanding functionality with such things as a tunable filter or the ability to adjust the steepness of the shelf filter. These equalizers are effective enough to be involved at any stage of the creative process.Processing algorithms in the PSP sQuad have much in common with each other and with other plug-ins PSP Audioware:. Automatic doubling of the sampling frequency with initial values below 50 KHz. This is the guarantee of accuracy when working at any sampling frequency. 64-bit processing (numbers with double-precision floating point) to minimize the accumulated error. Disconnected saturation in each plugin.
This protects against clipping of the signal, and adds softness to the strong signal on the dynamics. The saturator is processed after the output level regulator.PSP ClassicQ is created as a kind of different classical British EQ. There is an imitation of circuitry of class “A” and an output transformer. In addition to this classics, the equalizer is provided with simply irreplaceable things: a tunable RF filter, adjustable slope of the decay on the RF and low-pass filters.
Best of all, this equalizer will sit on separate tracks of the mix.PSP ConsoleQ was also drawn with classic British, but already console technology. It’s easy to guess that his element is also separate tracks of the mix. But it is better to apply it where the manipulations with the spectrum are strong enough.PSP preQursor is compiled on filters using native PSP technology. Resonance in these filters is minimized in order to avoid jangling debris, to achieve a good separation of bands and narrow bandpass filtering with negative amplification.
Such an equalizer asks to process the whole mix. It’s good on individual acoustic tracks and in general, where the naturalness of sound is clearly not the tenth thing.PSP RetroQ – the embodiment of the idea of an equalizer with a unique musicality and small phase distortions. The shelf filters are taken from the PSP VintageWarmer. According to one technology, a midrange filter is built with them.
“Device” is recommended for application to groups of tracks or to the whole mix.