Econometrics Book By Gujarati Pdf
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6 CHAPTER 2: TWO-VARIABLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS: SOME BASIC IDEAS2.1 It tells how the mean or average response of the sub-populations ofY varies with the fixed values of the explanatory variable (s).2.2 The distinction between the sample regression function and thepopulation regression function is important, for the former isis an estimator of the latter; in most situations we have a sample ofobservations from a given population and we try to learnsomething about the population from the given sample.2.3 A regression model can never be a completely accuratedescription of reality. Therefore, there is bound to be some differencebetween the actual values of the regressand and its valuesestimated from the chosen model. This difference is simply thestochastic error term, whose various forms are discussed in thechapter. The residual is the sample counterpart of the stochastic errorterm.2.4 Although we can certainly use the mean value, standard deviationand other summary measures to describe the behavior the of theregressand, we are often interested in finding out if there are anycausal forces that affect the regressand.
If so, we will be able tobetter predict the mean value of the regressand. Also, rememberthat econometric models are often developed to test one or moreeconomic theories.2.5 A model that is linear in the parameters; it may or may not belinear in the variables.2.6 Models (a), (b), (c) and (e) are linear (in the parameter) regressionmodels. If we let α = ln β 1, then model (d) is also linear.2.7 (a) Taking the natural log, we find that ln Yi = β 1 + β 2 Xi + ui, whichbecomes a linear regression model.(b) The following transformation, known as the logit transformation,makes this model a linear regression model:ln (1- Yi)/Yi = β 1 + β 2 Xi + ui(c) A linear regression model(d) A nonlinear regression model(e) A nonlinear regression model, as β 2 is raised to the third power.2.8 A model that can be made linear in the parameters is called anintrinsically linear regression model, as model (a) above. If β 2 is0.8 in model (d) of Question 2.7, it becomes a linear regression7model, as e-0.8(Xi - 2) can be easily computed.2.9 (a) Transforming the model as (1/Yi) = β 1 + β 2 Xi makes it a linearregression model.(b) Writing the model as (Xi/Yi) = β 1 + β 2 Xi makes it a linearregression model.(c) The transformation ln(1 - Yi)/Yi = - β 1 - β 2 Xi makes it alinear regression model.Note: Thus the original models are intrinsically linear models.2.10 This scattergram shows that more export-oriented countries onaverage have more growth in real wages than less export orientedcountries. That is why many developing countries have followedan export-led growth policy.
The regression line sketched in thediagram is a sample regression line, as it is based on a sampleof 50 developing countries.2.11 According to the well-known Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade,countries tend to export goods whose production makes intensiveuse of their more abundant factors of production. In other words,this model emphasizes the relation between factor endowmentsand comparative advantage.2.12 This figure shows that the higher is the minimum wage, the loweris per head GNP, thus suggesting that minimum wage laws maynot be good for developing countries.
But this topic is controversial.The effect of minimum wages may depend on their effect onemployment, the nature of the industry where it is imposed, andhow strongly the government enforces it.2.13 It is a sample regression line because it is based on a sampleof 15 years of observations. The scatter points around the regressionline are the actual data points. The difference between the actualconsumption expenditure and that estimated from the regression linerepresents the (sample) residual. Besides GDP, factors such aswealth, interest rate, etc.
Might also affect consumption expenditure.9(b) The scattergram is as follows:Here the discouraged worker hypothesis of labor economics seemsto be at work: unemployment discourages female workers fromparticipating in the labor force because they fear that thereare no job opportunities. 000b0b000004000f06000b0004 20005000100000004 0 03000f060010(c) The plot of Male and Female Labor Force Participation againstAH82 shows the following:There is a similar relationship between the two variables for males and females,although the Male Labor Participation Rate is always significantly higher than thatof the Females. Also, there is quite a bit more variability among the Female Rates.To validate these statements, the average Male Rate is 75.4%, whereas the Femaleaverage is only 57.3%. With respect to variability, the Male Rate standarddeviation is only 1.17%, but the Female standard deviation is 2.73%, more thandouble that of the Male Rate.
Wheeler & wilson d9 serial number. On the dropout you have 'M1' followed by '08922198'.this one is simple.M1 stands for 'mach one' that is your model can also be a 'I' for interceptor and so on the serial is '0892' this is easy to decode too,08 means 8th month, which would be august.then you have '92' next in the lineup, this would be 1992the last 4 digits, are your build number, this one would be the 2,198th one built.Here is another example. If your serial is KGCG2297 this one gets a little complicated.
Keep in mind that we are doing simple bivariateregressions here. When we study multiple regression analysis, we may have somedifferent conclusions.
0300000000 04 0003 004 60004000e040015000e040003122.16 (a) The scatter plot for male and female verbal scores is as follows:000f1a001b0a 000b 060006 07 000b0001 000b0004 000b0006 000b0007 000b000b0004 000b000b0006 000b000b0007 000b001d001713And the corresponding plot for male and female math score is as follows:(b) Over the years, the male and female reading scores show a slight downwardtrend, although there seems to be a leveling in the mid-1990’s. The math scores,however, show a slight increasing trend, especially starting in the early 1990’s. Inboth graphs it seems the male scores are generally higher than the female scores, ofcourse with year-to-year variation.(c) We can develop a simple regression model regressing the math score on theverbal score for both sexes.00000b0a001b0a 00c0006 07 000b0001 000b0004 000b0006 000b0007 000b000b0004 000b000b0006 000b000b0007 000b001d0017152.17 (a) The scatter plot for male and female verbal scores is as follows:The results are somewhat similar to those from Figure 2.7. It seems that the averageReading Score increases as the average Family Income increases.001a001b000005001a 00140005 0000040000 0416b)This graph looks almost identical to the previous ones, especially the ReadingScore graph.c) Apparently, there seems to be a positive relationship between average FamilyIncome and SAT scores.001a001b001c0005!
000b05001a 00140005 0000040000 04.