Basic Laser Physics Pdf Download

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LASER Physics The word Laser is an acronymit stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation What makes. There are Four Basic Components to Every Laser This could be a This could be a GASGAS such as the CO2 or Argon laser or a SOLID such as the ND:YAG or Alexandrite laser.

Among the outstanding achievements of science andengineering in the 20th century, the laser occupies by right a majorposition. First lasers made in 1960 paved the way for the vehementdevelopment of laser technology. Today, lasers and laser systems findwide lise in many fields of science and engineering.


They are employedin communications systems, computers, navigation equipment, measuringinstruments, and in complicated technological processes. Biology,medicine, and various chemical and physical investigations utilizelasers to advantage.Wide use of lasers in science and technologyis due to the specific properties of laser radiation. The laser is agenerator of coherent light. Unlike other sources of light, such asincandescent lamps or arc lamps, the laser produces radiation with ahighly regular light field, outstanding in its high coherence,monochromaticity and directivity. The discussion of lasers in this bookbegins with the evaluation of the physics of processes resulting incoherent optical radiation in the laser. This is the subject to Chapter1.

Chapter 2 takes up the classification of lasers and the physical andengineering benefits of various types of lasers. Application of lasersputs in the forefront the control of laser radiation.Thisincludes not only such aspects of beam control as deflection, scanningand modulation, but also the variation of the regime of oscillation toproduce radiation with the desired spatial, temporal, frequency andpower characteristics. All these topics are treated in Chapter 3.Finally, Chapter 4 is concerned with diverse applications of lasers inscience and engineering.The book was translated from the Russian by M. Edelev and was first published by Mir Publishers in 1986.