Dtms Looks For Mac

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THIS INFORMATION ONLY PERTAINS TO SOFTWARE VERSIONS IDL 8.5, ENVI 5.3 AND PRIOR DESCRIPTION: The ENVI 5.0, IDL 8.2 license manager can fail on Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris, when installed from the ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 DVD, or from a download obtained from the www.exelisvis.com web site before May 19, 2012. Updated versions of ENVI 5.0 and IDL 8.2, or a Hotfix patch may be downloaded from the Exelis VIS website to correct the issues discussed in this help article.

NOTE: Corrected installations of ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 on these platforms can be identified by the presence of a file named: hotfix05172012.txt located in the 'idl82' directory of the ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 installation. For example, the default location for this file on Mac OS X is: /Applications/exelis/idl82/hotfix05172012.txt For Linux and Solaris, the default location is: /usr/local/exelis/idl82/hotfix05172012.txt NOTE: Only machines running IDL 8.2/ENVI 5.0 license manager service to administer standard server-based single-user node-locked (SN) licenses or network floating (FL) licenses, will be affected by these issues. Machines using unserved license file types, or are license clients only, should not use the license manager service. There are two different types of problems that may occur:. DISCUSSION: Problem A: The license manager service configuration fails on Mac OS X. On Mac OS X, if you have configured the ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 license manager service to start automatically, you may observe one or more of the following problems, in the Apple Console utility (/Applications/Utilities/Console) log window: 1.) Previously installed IDL 8.1 or IDL 8.0/ENVI 4.8 license manager service interferes with IDL 8.2/ENVI 5.0 license manager service on Mac OS X, resulting in an error message like: 'The TCP port number in the license, 1700, is already in use.' 2.) IDL 8.2/ENVI 5.0 Mac OS X license manager service repeatedly fails and restarts encountering the error: 'license manager: can't initialize: Cannot find license file' 3.) IDL 8.2/ENVI 5.0 lmgrd LaunchDaemons service on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) repeatedly crashes and restarts encountering the error: 'Job appears to have crashed: Illegal instruction: 4' Solution: To fix the problem, do the following: 1.) Log in to the www.exelisvis.com web site using the Exelis Visual Information Solutions-provided login name and password.

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Pt.3 on flowvellane. 2.) Download the ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 for Mac installer file or the 'Hotfix 5/17/2012' patch installer. 3.) Follow the instructions to re-install the product on top of your existing ENVI 5.0 or IDL 8.2 installation.

You can join the Office Insider for Mac program to get early access to the newest Office innovations. To join, simply check the box Join the Office insider program to get early access to new releases. What is Office Insider? More about Microsoft AutoUpdate. You can find Release notes for Office for Mac here.

From an open appointment, meeting, or event, look for the Categorize button on the ribbon, in the Tags group. To see more categories or to create a new category, click All Categories to open the Color Categories dialog box. To assign a color category from the Color Categories dialog box, select the check box next to the color category.